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Beyti is one of the largest producers of milk, juice, and yoghurt products in Egypt, and a subsidiary of Almarai Company, under the joint venture IDJ. As a leader in the Egyptian market, Beyti is working to embed sustainability within its operations. To this end, Beyti has established an environmental and sustainability function responsible for managing sustainability companywide.

This section of the report outlines Beyti’s approach to managing sustainability and highlights the achievements it has made in 2021 and its plans for the year ahead.

Environmental performance

Beyti is committed to minimizing its negative impact on the environment. Its activities have direct and indirect environmental impacts and it can play an important role in combatting global issues such as climate change. Beyti has an environmental policy that sets out the company’s commitment to support and preserve the environment in which it operates, responding to its key environmental impact areas as a business. This policy forms the basis of a roadmap that ensures the policy is put into practice. The policy covers the following areas: environmental management systems and compliance; carbon and energy; water; operational and food waste; and supplier and contractor environmental performance management. The roadmap and policy have allowed Beyti to achieve an ISO 14001 Environmental Management certification.

Beyti has focused on reducing its environmental impact through the installation and commissioning of a solar power project. The project aims to complete a 20 MWp solar power plant that will draw an estimated 19% of its total electricity demand from clean energy. To date, a 6.7 MWp solar power plant has been completed at its manufacturing site, this provides more than 30% of peak electricity demand. Beyti also successfully switched from diesel to natural gas boilers which significantly reduced the carbon intensity of its manufacturing facilities.

Beyti has continued to innovate its plastic and paper packaging to ensure that the quality of its products remain whilst reducing the impact it has on the environment. In 2021, the company achieved 100% of carboard packaging from recycled materials, greatly reducing the environmental impact of their products and moving towards the circular economy.

Community engagement

Beyti realizes the importance of entrenching the true meaning of solidarity among individuals and societal institutions, especially during the ensuing pandemic and its health and economic impacts. Beyti supports efforts addressed for the neediest families and expanding the number of aids recipients. In 2021, Beyti announced its participation in the convoys of fasting people’s iftar organized by Misr El-Kheir Foundation with donations reaching to Egyptian £3.5 million that are provided in the form of food products, milk, and juices from the company’s products reaching to 1,030,515 packs. Beyti further launched an initiative of supporting the health sector requirements in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Population to provide the company’s products to patients, medical staff, and employees in quarantine hospitals.

Beyti believes that the private sector has an important role in improving local producers' competitive edge and efficiency in line with the National Food Safety Authority requirements. It continually seeks to support local producers, minor farmers, and milk producers, and is working on improving supply chains related to milk collection centers and minor breeders. Health and wellbeing of consumers is a high priority for Beyti, and it is committed to provide highest standards of international quality in all its products.

Employee development

Beyti issued its code of conduct and set up a system for employees to report issues related to corruption, racism, and violations of the code. All management and supervisory employees now have customized performance objectives and access to leadership and development programs and e-learning courses. In 2021, Beyti had zero reported incidents of discrimination because of robust employee engagement systems. In 2021, over 14,000 hours of training were given to Beyti employees, furthermore 100% of staff were given performance and career development reviews.

Health and safety

In 2021, Beyti completed the fourth phase of the fire trace system project to cover all electrical panels in the plant, which is one of many commitments to protect employees through enhanced health and safety practices. Beyti is proud to have been certified to OHSAS18001 Occupational Health and Safety certification, which signifies its commitments to maintaining the highest standards of health and safety. In 2021, the company had zero lost time injuries across all employees and contractors.

Quality and food safety

Beyti also believes in ‘Quality you can trust.’ To deliver quality products, Beyti follows strict quality audit process. In 2021, Beyti incorporated Almarai’s quality management system that has achieved the FSSC 22000, the GFSI recognized, and ISO9001 certifications. The company maintains its daily quality reporting system and leadership strategies to serve high quality products. There were zero incidences of non-compliance for health and safety of products and 100% of products were assessed for health and safety impacts.

Responsible marketing and communications

Nutritional information for all Beyti’s product is printed on packaging labels, and consumers inquiring about product nutritional information receive transparent answers.

All consumer quality complaints are thoroughly investigated, and the findings are shared with the consumer. Beyti has setup a specific team for reviewing, investigating, and responding to consumer complaints that traces and follows them until they are resolved. To further ensure transparent consumer relations, Beyti invite consumers, who have filed a complaint, to its manufacturing facilities to help understand its quality control procedures. In 2021, 100% of significant product categories were covered and assessed for compliance with product information and labelling.

Our sustainability performance

2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of incidents of non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations 1 1 0 0

Our sustainability performance

2018 2019 2020 2021
Nutrition and wellbeing+
Number of incidents of non-compliance concerning product information and labeling 1 25 74 0
Number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and/or voluntary codes concerning marketing communications 0 0 0 0
Percentage of significant product categories covered by and assessed for compliance with product information and labeling procedures (%) 100% 100% 100% 100%
Health and safety+

Number of employee lost time injuries





Contractor lost-time injuries





Employee lost-time injury rate (per 1 Million man-hours)





Contractor lost-time injury rate (per 1 Million man-hours)





Hours of employee health and safety training





Hours of contractor health and safety training





Average hours of health and safety training per employee





Average hours of health and safety training per contractor





Employee absenteeism rate (%)





Employee talent and diversity +
Number of employees 3,181 3,265 2,800 2,957
Male employees 3,138 3,224 2,760 2,842
Female employees 43 41 40 49
Full time, male employees 3,138 3,224 2,760 2,908
Full time, female employees 43 40 40 49
Part time, male employees 0 0 0 0
Part time, female employees 0 1 0 0
Senior management employees 22 24 18 41
Middle management employees 136 151 150 175
Non-management employees 2,959 3,090 2,632 2,741
New employee hires 563 730 404 573
New employee hires, age 18-30 343 505 218 369
60.9% 69.2% 54.0% 64.4%
New employee hires, age 31-50 220 220 184 201
39.1% 30.1% 45.5% 35.1%
New employee hires, age 51+ 0 5 2 3
0% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5%
New employee hires, male 554 723 395 557
98.4% 99.0% 97.8% 97.2%
New employee hires, female 9 7 9 16
1.6% 1.0% 2.2% 2.8%
Voluntary employee turnover 684 661 707 300
21.5% 20.2% 25.3% 10.1%
Voluntary employee turnover, age 18-30 297 363 229 165
43.4% 54.9% 32.4% 55.0%
Voluntary employee turnover, age 31-50 362 293 447 131
52.9% 44.3% 63.2% 43.7%
Voluntary employee turnover, age  51+ 25 5 31 4
3.7% 0.8% 4.4% 1.3%
Voluntary employee turnover, male 674 654 697 294
98.5% 98.9% 98.6% 98.0%
Voluntary employee turnover, female 10 7 10 6
1.5% 1.1% 1.4% 2.0%
Female employment rate (%) 1.4% 1.3% 1.4% 1.7%
Women in senior management 6 6 6 6
27.3% 25.0% 33.3% 14.6%
Women in middle management 18 18 16 16
13.2% 11.9% 10.7% 9.1%
Women in non-management positions 19 19 18 27
0.6% 0.6% 0.7% 1.0%
Board seats occupied by women 0 0 0 0
0% 0% 0% 0%
Number of employees with a disability 55 55 57 57
Number of formal incidents of discrimination reported 0 0 0 0
Percentage of working time lost due to industrial disputes, strikes and/or lock-outs (%) 0 0 0 0
Number of female employees entitled to maternity leave 2 4 2 2
Number of female employees that took parental leave 2 4 1 2
Number of female employees that returned to work in the reporting period after parental leave ended 1 3 1 1
Number of female employees that returned to work after parental leave ended that were still employed 12 months after their return to work 0 1 0 1
Female employee return to work rate of employees that took parental leave (%) 50% 75% 100% 50%
Female employee retention rate of employees that took parental leave (%) 0% 25% 0% 50%
Total hours of training provided 28,701 37,230 45,114 18,872
Average hours of training per employee 9.0 11.4 16.1 6.4
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews (%) NIA NIA 100% 100%
Community Investment +
Total CSR Spending (SAR) N/A 23,329 963000 200000
Number of school and university visitors hosted N/A 735 N/A 27
School bag donations (Number of bags donated to students) N/A 20,000 N/A N/A
Hours of employee volunteering N/A 800 N/A N/A

Our sustainability performance

2018 2019 2020 2021
Water management +

Water withdrawal (m3)





Water recycling and reuse (m3)





Percentage of water recycled and/or reused (%)





Total water consumption (m3)





Water discharge (m3)





Manufacturing water intensity (m3/metric ton of finished product)





Packaging innovation+
Percentage of card board coming from recycled materials used as an input material (%) 57% 70% 70% 100%
Plastics removed from packaging (tons) NIA NIA NIA N/A
Paper removed from packaging (tons) NIA NIA NIA N/A
Total packaging removed from the consumer waste stream (tons) NIA NIA NIA N/A
Climate Change +
Direct stationary energy usage (in thousands kWh) 53,690 64,787 46,881 46,579
Indirect stationary energy usage (in thousands kWh) 53,079 66,436 65,711 67,147
Total stationary energy usage (direct and indirect, in thousands kWh) 106,768 131,223 112,593 113,726
Total solar energy usage (in thousand kWh) 0 0 0 8,071
Percentage of electricity consumption from solar (%) 0 0 0 7%
Almarai owned refrigerators in stores (in thousands kWh) NIA NIA NIA N/A
Manufacturing energy intensity (kWh/metric ton of finished product) 283.1 398.6 309.6 256.2
Total vehicle fuel consumption (thousands of liters) 3,774 2,793 2,683 1,374
Scope 1 (direct) emissions (metric tons CO2e) 19,879 18,061 5,337 25,880
Scope 2 (indirect) emissions (metric tons CO2e) 23,188 29,022 28,706 29,333
Scope 3 emissions from Almarai refrigerators in stores (metric tons CO2e) NIA NIA NIA NIA
Total emissions (metric tons CO2e) 43,067 47,083 34,043 55,213
Manufacturing emissions intensity (metric tons CO2e/metric ton of finished product) 0.10 0.13 0.08 0.13
Emissions from refrigerant leakage and replacement (metric tons CO2e) 23 286 824 2
Waste Management +
Food waste resold for animal feed (Store returns and operational) (metric tons) 0 0 0 0
Recycled waste (metric tons) 15,040 NIA 3,000 9,042
Total waste generated (metric tons) 24,240 4,894 8,880 19,395
Waste sent to landfill (metric tons) 9,200 4,894 5,880 10,353
Percentage of waste sent to landfill (%) 38% NIA 66% 53%

Our sustainability performance

2018 2019 2020 2021
Quality and food safety +

Percentage of production volume manufactured in sites certified by an independent third party according to internationally recognized food safety management system standard (%)





Number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and/or voluntary codes concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services





Number of recalls





Percentage of significant product categories covered by and assessed for compliance with product information and labeling procedures (%)





Percentage of products which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvement (%)





Total number of manufacturing plants





Number of Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000 certified plants





Number of Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certified plants 





Percentage of plants that are GFSI certified (%)





Number of food safety and quality assurance employees





Animal welfare +
Number of cows N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of chickens processed N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of incidents of non-compliance with laws regulations, and adherence with voluntary standards related to transportation, handling, and slaughter practices for live terrestrial and aquatic mammals N/A N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of cows in enclosed housing with resting areas (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of chickens in enclosed cage free housing (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Ethical Sourcing +
Percentage of locally based suppliers engaged (%) 81% 69% 71% 59%
Percentage of spending on locally based suppliers (%) 40% 69% 72% 71%
Total number of suppliers engaged 588 111 260 75
Total number of local suppliers engaged 478 77 185 44
Percentage of purchased volume from suppliers compliant with company's sourcing policy NIA 100% 100% 99%
Percentage of purchased volume which is verified as being in accordance with credible, internationally recognized responsible production standards NIA 100% 100% 100%
New suppliers that were screened using social and/or environmental criteria 0 0 0 3
Number of negative social and/or environmental impacts  in the supply chain and actions taken NIA NIA NIA 0

2021 Sustainability Report

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